I BE Word Woman. I honor, love studying Root of Words and Language. Etymology. I BE Word particular especially correct usage pertaining to My Presence, therefore, I had to check words: ARROGANT. PROUD. CONFIDENT. DOMINATE. I must comprehend definition as applicable to My Divine Aliveness. Arrogant was referenced. What? Why? I have not never heard of My Divine Aliveness being “arrogant“.
I was remembering when a travel facilitator told I should contact an important woman who was organizing Women’s Retreat in Bali. Travel facilitator shared, “You would BE excellent for this trip, Rev. June.” Wow!
Facilitator shared I should tell Organizer I was referred for the retreat; I did as directed, made call, gave referral information. I was so happy. I never heard word from woman/organizer to this day. Interestingly a Sister who did go to Bali retreat came to visit one day, informed she heard why I was not contacted, was not called, not included. The Bali retreat organizer went to “higher up” who advised, “You do not want Rev. June to go because She will *Dominate the whole thing”. Dominate? Yes!
What was implication? What was the implied meaning?
I experienced hurt when told Bali exclusion was purposeful. Oh, there rose very familiar grasp upon My Soul, hurts rising since childhood.
I have been asked then excluded, not asked, dis-invited.
An Aside Memory:
Once when invited to sing the music director warned, “when you go up to sing, don’t speak” ~ Huh? Again? Would I dominate the stage? Would My Presence BE deemed arrogant? Am I too confident, too proud?
Humans perceptions, points of view, misconceptions; Individuals will to determine, conclude Reverent June must BE this, that or some sort of way depending upon Words spoken, read … Words purposefully rising from throats, jumping off tongues, fleeing from mouths with or without malice.
Most&Majority Word purveyors of negativity BE OpinionHaters, individuals who have no clue, no concept re Who Why or Way I BE. I Know My Breath. Ones wanting to know, ask June.
I BE comprehending definition of arrogant, proud, dominate and confident and I Breathe Living&Loving My Divine Aliveness wherever Most High Breathes Itself being June upon Planet Earth, this Planet which spins within Universe without Human compulsion or permission and Divine Loving Holy Spirit does give comfort to June all ways has and always will, therefore, day unto day, night unto night this moment here now present Mother don’t give a Fuck! 💖❤️️💗
#CareandCompassion #SheStillGotIt #calmbeforethestorm
#MetaphyscialFantastical #Fabulosity #Omnificence
#appreciation #appreciativeandgrateful #awakenedandwoke #whoknew #itsrisingtime #sheroic #blackbrilliance #wewearthecrowns #timely #YOU #WOWWORLDOFWOMEN
#forthought #THISSTUFFHERE #BlackWomenOnFire #aweinspiring #wakeandrise #excellenceandexcelling
#LegacyNow #LineageLove #foryou #doyou #TheyBe #toxicfuckery#focusonyou #gracegratitudeandjoy
#stopjuststop #OnPurpose
ARROGANT. adjective. 1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.
synonyms: haughty, conceited, self-important, egotistic, full of oneself, superior; overbearing, pompous, bumptious, presumptuous, imperious, overweening; proud, immodest; informal high and mighty, too big for one’s britches, too big for one’s boots, big-headed, puffed up; rare hubristic ~
*DOMINATE. verb. 1. have a commanding influence on; exercise control over.
synonyms: control, influence, exercise control over, command, be in command of, be in charge of, rule, govern, direct, have ascendancy over, have mastery over; informal head up, be in the driver’s seat, be at the helm of, rule the roost (in), wear the pants (in), have someone in one’s hip pocket; literary sway ~
predominate, prevail, reign, be prevalent, be paramount, be preeminent; (informal) kick butt ~
be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in.
(of something tall or high) have a commanding position over; overlook.
synonyms: overlook, command, tower above/over, loom over
example: “the village is dominated by the viaduct”
PROUD. adjective. 1. feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.
synonyms: pleased, glad, happy, delighted, joyful, overjoyed, thrilled, satisfied, gratified, content ~
example: “the proud parents beamed”
2. having or showing a high or excessively high opinion of oneself or one’s importance.
example: “a proud, arrogant woman/man” ~
1. feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.
synonyms: pleased, glad, happy, delighted, joyful, overjoyed, thrilled, satisfied, gratified, content ~
example: “the proud parents beamed”
2. having or showing a high or excessively high opinion of oneself or one’s importance.
example: “a proud, arrogant woman/man” ~
CONFIDENT. adjective. 1. feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
synonyms:self-assured, assured, self-confident, positive, assertive, self-possessed, self-reliant, poised; cool phlegmatic, levelheaded, unperturbed, imperturbable, unruffled, at ease ~