Thinking can Complicate or Contribute. *WTF?!
Action BE Required. Necessary. Imperative.
Example Only: Faith requires Works. Actions. Deeds. Not only “Thinking and/or Thoughts.”
We can “Think” Peace, Meditate on it, Acknowledge, Receive, Become **embodiment of and then Place into Action. Thinking. Living&Loving Peace. Hmm … Yes!
EMBODIMENT. 1. noun. a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling ~
synonyms: personification, incarnation, realization, manifestation, avatar, expression, representation, actualization, symbol, symbolization, materialization, paradigm, epitome, paragon, soul, model, type, essence, quintessence, exemplification, example, exemplar, ideal, reification from ***reify ~ Ooh wee …
REIFY. verb. 1. make (something abstract) more concrete or real ~
Love You as We … PEACE!
Reverent June Juliet Gatlin, Friday 31 March 8:51 AM
(inspired by georgia webb)
Ignorance trumpets, blowing&blaring loudly, sometimes off key especially when The Ignorant has not an inkling they BE ignorant. Sometimes it comes necessary to share Facts&Truth to some and many; however, it is also Imperative to know when to hold onto Your Pearls and not cast costly jewels to the repugnant. ~ You, especially You, BE Knowing. Inspired by: **Nailah Porter. She, while dining, overheard offensive racial discriminHating ignorance being “Trumpeted” loudly; Sister Porter, being One among empowered #fierceandfabublous #blackwomenonfire, restrained Her Divine Self noting **#TimeToGo and **#MyAncestorsTaughtMeHowToExerciseRestraint ~ #thanksandpraise Honor #acknowledgementandappreciation, Beloved, for not wasting #excellenceandexcelling #blackbrilliance ~ Love You as We … <3
Reverent June Juliet Gatlin, Wednesday 7 December 2016 ~ 8:48 AM ~
Rev. June Juliet Gatlin said: August 14, 2011 at 2:34 pm
Rev. June Juliet Gatlin writes to:
Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh and Associates:
Blessings abundantly deserved to you, Families, All whom you honor with love.
Much appreciation for Your (inclusive) extensive worthy work, profoundly dedicated research.
Honorable Michael Joseph Jackson was Prophetically declared “Redeemed” per God Most High and Divine Loving Holy Spirit.
Date of Spiritually ordained Declaration: Friday. May 9, 2008 (Las Vegas, Nevada) ~ He also received Chapter Title From Book Of Life: “THIS IS IT!”
The positive Word works many are contributing to celebrate Truth with Facts do justice to King of Music’s great name and to His majestic Legacy.
Individuals cloaked within enimity,full, flowing forth with contention, greed and hate fullness, such are subject to evil doing, will to stop at no thing to achieve the malevolently malicious goals ~ Evan Chandler, liar, is dead, life allegedly removed by his own hand. This action does not necessarily vindicate nor release him from the terrorism inflicted upon Michael’s honorable Life.
When One is Called and Chosen to do, contribute a Work of Greatness, called, ordained within Mother’s womb, birthed to do as His Supreme Creator defines, It shall be and is already done/fulfilled ~ Matters not the pain, heartache, ridicule, lies, innuendo and heady ungratefulness, One must proceed with rightful duties. And Michael did.
Jesus did. Hon. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did. Hon. Mohandas Ghandi did. Hon. El Hajj Malik El Shabazz did. Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, many did, have done, must and are willed to do, revealing empowering Presence of Love. Michael shared regarding each Human just named.
And He asked, “June, how do you do it?”
My reply, “We rise to the occasion and We can fall apart later!”
I shared analogy: “The show must go on.” Michael, man whom He is, understood, doesn’t make a thing easier to bear…
I note, sharing the above because I appreciate Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh’s work here…Others have written lies regarding My Life, denigrating what they surmise My time with Saint to be or not be, determining what is, is not, was, has been and just making up messiness without any thought to how I must feel or what it is contributing to My Life. This I do personally know, do comprehend fully, completely and in ways individuals could never imagine = Hurtful words and language yet I also know empowering Presence of Most High and compassionate endurance which helps to move beyond the ignorant and ignorance, individuals pumping selves up at expense and degrading of others, espousing denigrating words, lines, ripping others asunder, all for personal and self aggrandizement. Shameful!
I say, have written regarding these CBAs: Celebrities By Association, none have touched hem of His garment; yet when One comprehends the desperation of some of these demonic hatemongers perhaps pity may emerge for their lost souls.
Michael Joseph Jackson is Saint. His compassion, His altruism. His Loving Life and His Love of ALL Life determines such. And Most High determined His Sainthood without sanction of any Human. And I did declare as directed.
I have not written in depth regarding My precious time with Michael, short the days may be, however, I know what He would ask. He does show up, revealing His loving eternality in most auspicous ways which NO Human can deny, so…
Thanks to some of You (inclusive) who BE: Breathe Eternally dedicated, determined to continue Michael’s God works, sharing the wonder fullness of His remarkably majestic Love.
May You ALL ways, ever breathe blessed, continuing to do for Planet as He in Your own uniquely determined ways.
Hate, negativity, mean vile despicable greed driven denigrating acts of hostility against another Human wills to never accomplish, wills to never result in peace nor joy!
If You can help somebody as You pass along, Your living shall not be in vain.
Wellness, Peace with Pro$perity.
Long Live Michael, King of Pop King of Music Prince of Peace He BE Saint (smile).
Ever Reverent I Breathe Being,
Reverend June Juliet Gatlin
Sunday. August 14, 2011 ~ 12:11 PM
Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.
Published Note via Facebook and To Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh, Creator-Author:
Reflections on the Dance ~ The Truth About Michael Jackson
Every Breath Is New Life. New Year. New You. Celebrate Your Loving Joyous Life Every Breath. Claim Your Deserved Blessings!.
by Reverent June Juliet Gatlin on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 10:26am
YOU ALL BE: Breathe Eternally inclusive. If Your majestic Name is not listed, are YOU yet breathing?
Well, Celebrate every breath!
I am posting, sharing My Honor this way so All August Celebrants will receive My good thoughts for Your Loving Lives.
I *BE wishing You best for All times, believing You will to ever acknowledge Your worthiness.
Your Birth Days *BE every moment You Breathe! ~
With honor I rejoice, celebrating with You even when I BE not present. ~
Presenting You with wishes for Happiness even when times are difficult. You Will to make it through toilsome times and days of gladness just because You Live so Enjoy Your BIRTH DAY every breath, Beloved.
Love You as We Love You and this BE some mighty God Love.
To YOU Who BE celebrating:
I Love, Appreciate, am grateful to be Loving Living and I BE determinedly dedicated to doing, contributing whatever wills to BE: breathe Eternally goodness, wisdom, evolutionary activism for Spiritual well being of Life upon Planet which spins within Universe without Human compulsion or permission.
Live Loving Your Best. Love Living presenting Your Best and NO THING lesser
In joy enjoy Birthing YOU!
Praise Be due You wonder filled remarkable Children, Suns and Daughters of Most High…
Ever Reverent I Breathe Being,
Rev. June Juliet Gatlin
*BE: Breathe Eternally dancing, uh huh
Every Breath Is New Life. New Year. New You. Celebrate Your Loving Joyous Life Every Breath. Claim Your Deserved Blessings!
by Reverent June Juliet Gatlin on Tuesday, February 7-29, 2012 at 11:00 AM ~
- YOU ALL BE: Breathe Eternally inclusive. If Your majestic Name is not listed, are YOU yet breathing? Well, Celebrate every breath!
- I am posting, sharing My Honor this way so All February Celebrants will receive My good thoughts for Your Loving Lives.
- I *BE wishing You best for All times, believing You will to ever acknowledge Your worthiness.
- Your Birth Days *BE every moment You Breathe! ~
- With honor I rejoice, celebrating with You even when I BE not present. ~
Presenting You with wishes for Happiness even when times are difficult. You Will to make it through toilsome times and days of gladness just because You Live so Enjoy Your BIRTH DAY every breath, Beloved.
Love You as We Love You and this BE some mighty God Love.
To YOU Who BE Celebrating:
To The Humble & Forgiving ~Paula Deen need some of Y’All!
Poor Miss Deen is suffering losses for using the dreaded and degrading N word = The NowNew euphemism for an almost past offensive improper noun: “nigger”. The word is inherent within Deen’s ante bellum heritage.
Her proud great grandfather enslaved Humans; whoops, correction, he had “workers” who were “like family”, Master enslaver most certain enforced, did whip his workers into humble submission.
Paula Deen has expressed deeply, grievously mourning, as did great grandfather, tragic loss of his plantation workers and the land. Pater committed suicide.
Is she suffering too much? Maybe.
Paula has publicly asked three million plus individuals to forgive her and some of Y’All be ready.
Empathetic Humans are feeling for Paula, decrying her current suffering and profitmaking losses.
Can Black People relate? Of course. No problem.
To The Humble & Forgiving ~
Oh, wait wait, Remember this aha exposed: President William Jefferson Clinton.
When Bill was caught relishing him some some good under the Oval Office desk sexcapades, he, with Hillary sitting beside her man, publicly emphatically emphasized, “I did not have sex with that woman!” ~ Some citizenry, waiting and ready, all puffed up, did proudly and pompously proclaim their forgiveness of adulterous President. Bill called upon sexpert Rev. Jesse Jackson, familiar re Politics of sexual dalliances, and his BlackFF Vernon Jordan who pronounced, “indubtably” the President did not have sex… The rest is HERstory! And…
I remember as well as I breathe, seeing some Black women on TV talking about they forgive The President.
Were you there? Were any of you among the waiting, willing to forgive?
He wasn’t married to EVERY body. Bill was married to Hillary. Any forgiving, if such, was betwixt and between Billary nem. ~
To The Humble & Forgiving ~
Oh oh oh, wait, wait, another Remembrance: Whoremonger preacher Jimmy Swaggart.
Some of Y’All too young to remember or would choose to forget the Evangel of illicit sex partaking and participating amongst. He was caught. Aha exposed! The casting into hell’s fire and brimstone pastor did cry and wail publicly regarding his sinning. Jimmy did beseech good and righteous humble folk to forgive his whorish proclivities/activities. And swaggering Jimmy knew there were some humble forgivers awaiting. Yes, yes, the all powerful ready and waiting forgivers, pleased to be called upon for the loosening of another; forgivers awaiting to release and relieve Jimmy, Bill, Jesse, Eddie, Paula, whomevers, another or nameless others from some vain vile vicious action, deed or, perhaps, racist misspeak. Forgivers be stooped, bowed on starting lines, chomping at bit, just ready to forgive at drop of a hat, just forgiving all over the place ~ Folk be ready to forgive Humans they don’t een know. I think not! Ain’ nobody got that power. I don’t care what they say.It is time for the “pleased and proud to be humble and forgiving” African Ascendants to comprehend, realize (that) even JESUS, during his last and final moments of breathing, did not “forgive” his killers. According to Biblical scripture, words attributed to longsuffering Jesus – He spoke to His murderers as they were determining who would get his robe – “Father, YOU forgive them ’cause they don’t know what they have done.” Or something to that effect. (Luke 23:34) ~ In other words, being the Sun of God and all, well, that was one of those ‘you never should have done it’ moments. The wrongdoers were unaware of the impending wrath. Folk got to pay for their deeds one way, some way, any way, many ways or another and majority times this retribution has zero to do with you (inclusive) or whomever. Humph, again, many of the so called forgiven just go on about their having just been forgiven business, continuing doing the same old same old – And some do reap bountifully! Until … Aha, exposed! And any individual have a problem with or don’t like this diatribe, cry forth, rend and tear clothing. Now Imo be about My Father’s Bigness! Reverent June Juliet Gatlin approves this Message
To The Humble & Forgiving ~
Reap what you sow. What goes around comes around. Do unto another as you would do unto you! You never should have done it! Oh, oh, yes, US Supreme Court eradicating Section 5 of Voting Rights Act. This loss really does not affect Miss Deen’s LineageLegacy. What about YouYours? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2013
Appreciation. Please Watch and Learn: 52 Minutes of Excelling Edifying Educational Relevance! Appreciation. Please Watch and Learn re:
Appreciation. Please Watch and Learn re Black OURstorical re Contributers&Contributions to Un-United States History.
Originally Aired on May 28, 2010
If You BE Interested:
28.48 Minutes Important&Imperative Minutes of RacialRelevance
How do you Identify Racism? The Angry Eye with Jane Elliott ~
Life BE Uplifted&Uplifting. Reverent June BE Looking Out and Upwards. Thank You for Loving My Divine Aliveness. Praise BE Due. Yes! ~ Tuesday 15 December 2015 ~ 12:16PM
♫♪♫♥* My Living Shall Not BE in Vain ~