GET OUT!!!!!!! Well, Here She Go. Yep!
BREATHING WHILE BLACK is not a privilege nor a luxury.
First World Ascendants within this Un-United States KNOW racism PERSONALLY. I really tire, We really tire of having to communicate, discuss, tell&teach, BE upset when hearing and/or being “informed”, “Get over it.” ~ “That was so long ago.” ~ “I didn’t do it.”
We KNOW. However, if I do not, if We do not address this sick shit any and every moment it rises, humph, As I have shared multiple myriad numerous countless trillion hundred twenty seventy eleven thousand times, “Until&Unless You BREATHE within the “for real” darker shades and hues, not temporary sprayed tans, well … Do not offer nor extend vapid, “I understand …” And My words this moment here now in present has zero to do with Black History Month.
BREATHING WHILE BLACK is not a privilege nor a luxury.
This horror and terror BE real.
Example: Talk to some Black Humans who are willing to speak Truth; Listen with Heart&Soul when I, We, They tell/share Blackness experiences and especially when The Hueman BE KNOWLEDGEABLE about the experiences and They have someone within family or friends who Live this TERROR. Believe!
BE WILLING to Listen. Hearing without interjecting, making excuses or attempting and or trying to create Denial. No apologies required. Believe!

BREATHING WHILE BLACK is not a privilege nor a luxury.
I do not want to nor intend to allow any Human to convince My Life (that) evil of racism and racial enmity and racist discriminhating and the instantaneous incrimination of such has ceased to exist. All because of the teachings, IndoctrinHating within This Nation, Other countries yet persists.
When one group originates belief that another or other groups BE lesser than (minority) regardless and in spite of numbers (Example: apartheid. systematic destruction of Humanity wherever and any places upon Planet Earth, Planet which spins within Universe without Human compulsion or permission) for any inane concept or reason, rage and rampant terror, horrific activities will occur, fermenting, thriving, determined to prevail.
The idealistic delusional concepts creating growing and feeding Racism&Racist works actions deeds and behavior must BE Obliterated.
BREATHING WHILE BLACK is The Divine Aliveness of Most High Breathing Itself Being ALL Life. Love You as We …
Reverent June Juliet Gatlin, Sunday 26 February 2017 ~ 8:17 AM

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