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Rev. June Juliet Gatlin said: August 14, 2011 at 2:34 pm


Rev. June Juliet Gatlin writes to:

Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh and Associates:

Blessings abundantly deserved to you, Families, All whom you honor with love.

Much appreciation for Your (inclusive) extensive worthy work, profoundly dedicated research.

Honorable Michael Joseph Jackson was Prophetically declared “Redeemed” per God Most High and Divine Loving Holy Spirit.

Date of Spiritually ordained Declaration: Friday. May 9, 2008 (Las Vegas, Nevada) ~ He also received Chapter Title From Book Of Life: “THIS IS IT!”

The positive Word works many are contributing to celebrate Truth with Facts do justice to King of Music’s great name and to His majestic Legacy.

Individuals cloaked within enimity,full, flowing forth with contention, greed and hate fullness, such are subject to evil doing, will to stop at no thing to achieve the malevolently malicious goals ~ Evan Chandler, liar, is dead, life allegedly removed by his own hand. This action does not necessarily vindicate nor release him from the terrorism inflicted upon Michael’s honorable Life.

When One is Called and Chosen to do, contribute a Work of Greatness, called, ordained within Mother’s womb, birthed to do as His Supreme Creator defines, It shall be and is already done/fulfilled ~ Matters not the pain, heartache, ridicule, lies, innuendo and heady ungratefulness, One must proceed with rightful duties. And Michael did.

Jesus did. Hon. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did. Hon. Mohandas Ghandi did. Hon. El Hajj Malik El Shabazz did. Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa, many did, have done, must and are willed to do, revealing empowering Presence of Love. Michael shared regarding each Human just named.

And He asked, “June, how do you do it?”

My reply, “We rise to the occasion and We can fall apart later!”

I shared analogy: “The show must go on.” Michael, man whom He is, understood, doesn’t make a thing easier to bear…

I note, sharing the above because I appreciate Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh’s work here…Others have written lies regarding My Life, denigrating what they surmise My time with Saint to be or not be, determining what is, is not, was, has been and just making up messiness without any thought to how I must feel or what it is contributing to My Life. This I do personally know, do comprehend fully, completely and in ways individuals could never imagine = Hurtful words and language yet I also know empowering Presence of Most High and compassionate endurance which helps to move beyond the ignorant and ignorance, individuals pumping selves up at expense and degrading of others, espousing denigrating words, lines, ripping others asunder, all for personal and self aggrandizement. Shameful!

I say, have written regarding these CBAs: Celebrities By Association, none have touched hem of His garment; yet when One comprehends the desperation of some of these demonic hatemongers perhaps pity may emerge for their lost souls.

Michael Joseph Jackson is Saint. His compassion, His altruism. His Loving Life and His Love of ALL Life determines such. And Most High determined His Sainthood without sanction of any Human. And I did declare as directed.

I have not written in depth regarding My precious time with Michael, short the days may be, however, I know what He would ask. He does show up, revealing His loving eternality in most auspicous ways which NO Human can deny, so…

Thanks to some of You (inclusive) who BE: Breathe Eternally dedicated, determined to continue Michael’s God works, sharing the wonder fullness of His remarkably majestic Love.

May You ALL ways, ever breathe blessed, continuing to do for Planet as He in Your own uniquely determined ways.

Hate, negativity, mean vile despicable greed driven denigrating acts of hostility against another Human wills to never accomplish, wills to never result in peace nor joy!

If You can help somebody as You pass along, Your living shall not be in vain.

Wellness, Peace with Pro$perity.

Long Live Michael, King of Pop King of Music Prince of Peace He BE Saint (smile).

Ever Reverent I Breathe Being,

Reverend June Juliet Gatlin

Sunday. August 14, 2011 ~ 12:11 PM

Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.

Published Note via Facebook and To Miss Deborah Campise Kunesh, Creator-Author:

Reflections on the Dance ~ The Truth About Michael Jackson

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