Reverent: adjective. Expressing or characterized by reverence (honor or respect felt or shown). Worshipful.
Now and then we encounter a voice that moves us, a distinctive voice capable of evoking emotions, a captivating voice which quickens us in the marrow of our bones. God has given ordained minister June Juliet Gatlin that voice.
Welcome to the healing ministry of Reverent June Juliet Gatlin, woman of prophetic vision, inspiration, and song, and author of the best-selling book Spirit Speaks to Sisters. You are here on purpose.
Every Breath is New Life, New Year, New You. Breathe, Beloved. Breathe!
—Reverent June Gatlin
“June Gatlin’s insight has brought light to my life and to the lives of
countless others.”
—Susan L. Taylor, Founder, National CARES Mentoring
Movement and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of ESSENCE
Movement and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of ESSENCE
“She is gifted and extraordinary.”
—NBC Special, Ancient Prophecies IV: The Final Vision